Sunday, 10 May 2015

Reset Button

To compliment the work I do at Discover2Empower I'm embarking on a part-time project of my own that aims to support, coach, assist and maybe help people to press the reset buttons in their minds. The term inner chimp was arguably made popular by Dr Steven Peters and his mind work with Sir Bradley Wiggins and Sir Chris Hoy and their Olympic and Cycling achievements.
Personally the work is fascinating and the name simply fits, we can all relate to this and the domain name was available!!  I've already been contacted by Chimp Management to wish me luck but more importantly please say that I'm not associated with with them!!! So on my website it says this but must thank them for being very gracious and actually really supportive which underlies what they teach.
My first project is the Mind Boot Camp seen on the previous post and I have faith that these will develop as there are aspects of each session that really can change your life, change your perspective and possibly, help evaluate how we live our lives whether, emotional, career, sports or day to day living. To find out more about the Mind Boots and the other aspects of the Life Coaching that I can offer please take a look.

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