Friday 19 August 2011

New Date for the Hip Wigglers

Due to James Parry being so bloody good, he went and got invited to California to compete in the Joel Tudor Duct Tape Invitational at Malibu on the 10th and 11th of September. This means that we all have to re-arrange our diaries, move things around and accommodate James, again!! That boy thinks of no one but himself sometimes and always puts his own surfing and grand achievements before any arrangements we may have made, so selfish, we're always having to see him jet off for some photo shoot or winter in Oz, wishing him luck and all that. I'll be glad when he is past this phase of being so bloody good, stylish, inspiring and super smooth and things settle down and gets himself a real job. One day he might stand up to the likes of Joel Tudor and says 'I'm sorry Joel,legend that you are, I'd love to come to your amazing competition and surf with the best in the world, see my mates, which lets face it Joel would be alright, a comp that all my UK mates would love to come to, but honestly Joel, I can't let them down so I'll be staying in the UK and running the Hip Wigglers on the same weekend as the Duct Tape because my mates are depending on me and on the Sunday I might even try and win the World Belly Board Championship as well.'
Seriously, everyone is so stoked for you mate, even if you do look like a thunderbird in your new RASH wetsuit!! Get yourself to Cali and do your thing mate, with this new date in september on a great weekend for surfing the Hip Wigglers will be epic and the World Belly Boarding will be classic as usual.

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